Many businesses, groups and individuals have social accounts in various places. You start out by checking Facebook, then maybe Twitter, then LinkedIn, and on and on. You may find yourself going back to these sites multiple times per day to see what's going on. You also have to manage multiple usernames and passwords. In a recent report, it was estimated that employees that have internet connected computers check their Facebook pages more than twenty times per day! When you start adding in all the other sites such as Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc., you can quickly see how the time adds up into hours, and dollars.
Evolve has a way to solve this problem while helping you with marketing and networking. With using evolve we've integrated “ShareThis”. This tool provides feeds to various social networking sites. Users can go to various pages like Blog and Newsletter and read your comments. From these pages you or your website visitors can post on their favorite social sites in one place. This saves each person hours per week and makes it much easier to stay on top of all of the sites. This doesn't only save individuals time, it also save businesses money in the way of wasted man hours.Â
Social Networking Posting -
The other side of the story is how to manage your own posts and advertising. The way that most people do this now is from jumping from one site to another. They will do a post on Facebook, then on Twitter, then on Meetup or wherever. Once again, this takes a lot of time to keep everything up to date. In fact, with most people it's difficult, if not impossible to keep all of your social networking accounts up to date.
Once again, evolve has a solution with our "Post Once" feature. We can connect many of the main social networking sites to your evolve site allowing you to Post Once and Post to Many. In other words, you can go into your own evolve site and make one post. Then you can select what sites it can show up in: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and more... all with one click of the mouse. This is really a huge time saver. For instance, if you are a business and you wish to advertise a product or special. Instead of posting to every site separately, you just post once in evolve and share it everywhere you want.
If you would like to learn more please call evolve at: (415) 449-1901 if you’re in California and (303) 586-6419 if you're in Colorado.